Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Truth About Financial Freedom – What Does Money Really Mean To You?

I can’t think of a single person who is not worried about money.

Have you ever asked this question to yourself: what does money really mean to you?

W all talk of how much money we want, why we want money and what we would do if we had more money. Hardly anyone thinks about the most BASIC question of all: what exactly do they want?

I’ll tell you the answer.

Most of us are looking for FREEDOM! the freedom to choose what we want to do, freedom to direct our course without being restricted or controlled by circumstances, the freedom to spend time with whomsoever we want and whenever we want. In short, all of us have a yearning to create our own destiny.

Think about it…money is just a symbol of how much input has been dedicated towards the creation of a particular product or service. You need to know where your interests and desires lie.

It will be FOOLISH to focus on money before focusing on the ultimate goal you want to achieve. If you keep thinking about money and not freedom, no amount of money will ever be enough for you.

Money will flow automatically if you are putting in genuine, adequate efforts to achieve what you always wanted – financial freedom. At a recent financial freedom conference, I learnt the importance of positive thinking and getting rid of the “if only” attitude towards everything, especially money.

Working on your attitude and energy around money and commitment towards financial freedom is a powerful way to accelerate the money you earn.

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